Have you ever sat quietly
and just wondered at the awesomeness of life? Have you ever considered the colossal mystery
that is existence? I’d be surprised if you hadn’t
but perhaps you may not have
given the subject much thought. If that sounds like you then try for just a
moment to describe “existence”.
If you have
given such questions a certain amount of thought then like me you probably noticed
how very wondrous
and strange the world and
our very existence at this time, in this
place, in this manner is. Don’t you find it amazing that all this has
undertaken the formality of actually existing?
“A human being is a part of the whole
called by us universe, a part limited
in time and space. He experiences himself, his
thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical
delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to
our personal desires and to affection
for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures
and the whole of nature in its beauty.” ~ Albert Einstein
Considering the
nature of the universe it is very apparent at this time that the universe emulates itself on all levels. The
universe is apparently holographic. The nature of a hologram is such that even the smallest
piece of the hologram is an exact replica of the entire hologram. Scale is something
produced by limited human perceptions as is time and disconnection as opposed to the gigantic all encompassing
present and interdependence or oneness.
There is no matter as such.
Everything is consciousness observing consciousness. The world is not stranger then we know. It is stranger
than we can know!
It is amazing to
know that every one of our cells have the exact same functions as our macro body does. Our cells breath air, eat food,
have circulatory systems,
and eliminate waste to
name just a few emulations. Every
one of our billions
of cells is like this.
Together they form our macro-body. The universe is like those Russian dolls that stack
inside each other.
the bottom every man knows
well enough that he
is a unique human being,
only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity
as he is, ever be put
together a second time.” ~ Nietzsche
I will always
remember as a child I sat comfortably in my father’s lap. I would hold his big heavy calloused hand in my own small
child hands. Sitting there I would turn his hand over and then back again in a simply amazed and fascinated examination. Today I look
at my own hand and witness a mystery that many of the greatest minds that have ever lived have failed to solve. I close my fist. Mind over matter.
Some of us may
have lost our childlike wonder. I know for me personally the more I read, the more I observe
and experience the more wondrous
I grow. I feel the totality of my
personality, my multiplicity of interests and evolving behavioral patterns are
likely well beyond any one person’s
ability to grasp. Including my own.
I am quite simply a very strange person and am willing to bet that in reality we all are. There is so much more to our lives, to this existence, then material things. There is much more to existence then the subjects of fixation by our limited physical senses. The deeper one goes within. Within becomes beyond. We truly are strangers in a strange land. Take a moment to wonder.
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