I have jumped
right into this initiative with both feet, because I am such an expert on balance.
Well, maybe not exactly an expert. Alright,
I kind of suck at it, but that definitely means I have something to say.
The first image
that came to mind, when I thought of life balance, was me juggling a whole bunch of balls. And I mean a whole
bunch! All different colours and sizes, and each labeled
in bold black lettering. IT Project Manager,
Mom, Girlfriend, Friend,
Sister, Daughter,
Cook, Dishwasher, Pet Owner.
And the balls kept multiplying until eventually I dropped
each and every one of them.
Did I mention I totally
suck at Life Balance?
But then I
realized that I was juggling the entirely wrong set of balls! I didn’t need all those; I just need four. And they happen to coincide with the personal
core values that I established using a technique posted by Davina,
at Loving Pulse,
which are:
Physical: with a smile on my face and a
sparkle in my eyes, I tune into the wonders of
my physical body.
I use my creativity and wit to provoke
thoughts in myself and others.
Emotional: I move through my life content
and happy, exploring my passions and love.
Spiritual: I honour the Lord and Lady, and revel in the third stage of womanhood, The Crone, having
passed successfully through
Maid and Mother.
And the really
neat thing is, that I don’t have to have all four balls in the air at the same time.
I can put one or two down once in awhile for a rest. As long as I keep rotating them, such that they all get their turn in
a timely manner, my life is quite balanced indeed.
Hey, maybe I don't
suck so badly at Life Balance after all!
Are you 'in balance'
or are there one or two balls that need to be brushed off and put back
into play?
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